Monday, April 30, 2007

Video content via and lifecasting on at

We now have a cool way to showcase some recent project samples courtesy of

This is a free embedded player they designed. It may make it’s way onto the main site of CM Creative very soon. Click the “GUIDE” to find other samples.

It is sites like this that will drive bandwith costs down and push the Internet convergence with traditional broadcasting. No longer will it be a 500-channel universe but an infinitum channel interworld.

As access and creation tools become easier and less costly, I would expect to see an onslaught of niche Internet based shows that will go head to head with traditional broadcasting shows. We may not see something on the lines of NBC or CBS but look at the extended cable network programming and you will see a glimpse of internet broadcasting…but different.

And as different goes and grows. Have a look at as a post-modern reality-television programming experiment. It’s already wildly popular at only 41 days online and an incredible idea.

They have coined it “Lifecasting”.

Definitely an evolutionary mashup from, Big Brother and social media networking like Twitter, Facebook and Jaiku. Oh and we should add a little voyeurism sprinkled on top.

I hope they are cashing in.


Sunday, April 22, 2007

“Become the expert, add eyeballs, and Digg the Rocketboom”

One of the great things about video podcasting that mimics traditional broadcast media, is how the medium positions the host as an expert. Even if they are relaying information that is easily accessible through other outlets, simply the fact that they are in front of the camera disseminating that information paints them as the “person in the know”.

Try to take advantage of this fact when video podcasting. You can make a big splash by being focused, reliable and well researched combined with a genuine dose of yourself. This may is traditional business dictum but it is one of the essential keys to success in this growing format.

A telegenic personality helps for sure but from our experience and research, a sincere host adding their own view to the information goes a long way in this medium.

Video podcasting’s strong niche marketing design can be leveraged in your favor to attract additional eyeballs to your site. By positioning yourself as the expert in the field (or niche market) through a video podcast production, you generate hype and buzz through your audience and, in a viral way of touching new markets (through cross-posts and email forwarding of your show to like-interested contacts), you can drive more traffic to your site, your product and translate all of this into sale and revenue.

Great video podcast examples of low production values but staggeringly high traffic (and popularity) are Rocketboom and Digg , and I’m sure they are cashing in. Now let us help you do the same.

So what about CM Creative? Well we have several shows in delvelopment that we hope to “green light” very soon. This could mean new website changes and new directions but know that we will always retain our values of quality and creativity.


Monday, April 09, 2007

"Blogosphere distribution, tags and a quiet 8 core apple bomb"

"Blogosphere distribution, tags and a quiet 8 core apple bomb"

Now that I have been blogging for well over half a year I thought that it was time to really put myself out there. Out there being the real Blogosphere also known as the big bad boy show of the Internet.

Now it is one thing to prattle on week after week a to promote yourself and give advice to readers who are coming to find out about you, but to make it really public to everyone on the web is another level onto itself. It’s a difference between exposed and exposure. But I’m ready.

First thing of note is that casting the distribution net on the web is simple as a few subscriptions and as complex as being on the bleeding edge of Internet buzzwords and knowing the newest social networking toy. It becomes a fine balancing act of time management and time “waste-ment”.

I have started out simple by tagging my blog in via Technorati,, cross-posting on Blogger, Bloglines and posting our feeds through Feedburner. I’ve also even played with Myspace, Virb and Twitter (the most fun and simplest of them all). Now keeping this up this takes time on its own and there are so many more sites available to promote that it is daunting. You need an assistant just to keep up.

We will start with little steps first. A few hot tags on Technorati posts and some Blogger cross-posts.

This is important for your client’s online promotion as well. Knowing how to, where to and actually doing the cross-postings and online distribution is critical to continue eyeballs hitting your site. The updating and new postings will aid in having an interesting site that users will want to come back to on a repeat basis. This is something that needs to be communicated to the client. If you build updating into the agreement, the online products created will be more viable and have better functionality, creating a more positive experience in this new medium.

You can expect a few new revisions of the website in the future including video samples. For now I have samples available here at and cross-posted them in iTunes as well.

This is just the beginning.

Before I sign off on this post though I have to mention that Apple released their 8-core MacPro recently. There seemed to be little fanfare around but I would say that this is because it was well before expected chatter. Most people thought that they would release this system at NAB in a few weeks.

What this means for me is that Apple is probably going to release something even more significant at NAB and that it will rely heavily on the power of this system. Final Cut Pro Studio 6.0 will probably roll out and the quietly rumored Final Cut Extreme high end editing system that will try to go head to head with Avid. Now that will be an interesting battle to watch.

The other significant thing about this release is that my octo-macPro is here. I remember dreaming (and
blogging) about the quad MacPro. Now this is the time to act, jump in and commit. After Apple reveals their newest toys at NAB, I’ll have to actually go buy and put that whole rant to rest.

Until I begin talking about how killer of a machine it is.