Friday, March 30, 2007

“Compatibility in cross platform creation and the not so deadly iPod killer, Zune!”

Computers and compatibility go hand in had. With different software versions, new builds, codecs, windows versus Macs and automatic updates I’m surprised that computers can work with each other sometimes.

Well I guess with all these potential mods that really they are just a few details that change between programs when you move files around. As a creative professional though I am usually dealing in the details. The tweaks and polish that spices things up, makes them flow better and present the message clearer.

When working between platforms and versions it is critical that everyone involved understands that through the creation process there will be a few compatibility bumps but the creative elements will be retained.

Important to all is the final product. Reviewing and testing in the environment that the file will be used or machine the video will be played on/in (i.e. DVD, CD, computer, website) is essential. Never trust that certain programs are identical. Even if all things are equal if you move one file from one computer to another you must make sure it plays properly. Some programs unknowingly link to files in specific file root structures that do not exist on different systems. But being aware of these potential hiccups save time and face for everyone.

But these things are what we get paid to look out for. It’s our expertise in cross-platform hopping and multi-version tracking that enables us to enhance your message and give it that creative tweak to make it stand out.

Oh, and back into the Apple realm, well actually it’s the Microsoft realm, is the launch of Zune . Zune is Microsoft’s handheld music and video media player that was touted as the “iPod killer”. Well it’s not but it’s not too bad apparently. Okay, in one version you can get it in…Brown? Come on. Maybe I’m being too superficial but with iPods being a near fashion accessory you need to step it up. I haven’t had my hands on one but apparently they do not play podcasts (or netcasts as Leo Laporte has coined them).

I can understand that Microsoft would not want to support its main competition and leader in the handheld media player but podcasts but the people buying the cool toys are listening to podcast and using iTunes. Even the Windows users. Oh apparently it doesn’t even support the Windows Media player.

The Zune does have some cool wireless functions and neat sharing options but it seems that as an integration product with the overall Microsoft world and, even more important from a revenue perspective, that you would want to available to play as much media as possible and be compatible with as many programs as possible to catch up and go head to head with iPod dominance.

Now I wasn’t in the Microsoft concept room when they thought up the Zune, or the strategic planning meeting of how to knock off the iPod so we will have to see how it all plays out. But for now Apple has deflected the first swing by the other main contender on the fight card. This time.



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